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computer games for little kids - I Spy Preschool Game

I Spy Preschool Game

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Product Description

Editorial Review

"I spy with my little eye" is the chiming chorus of road trips with kids, and also now of this game for preschoolers. It develops reading skills through colors, pictures--the high-impact compositions of everyday stuff from the I Spy books by Jean Marzollo--and rhymes. Different games are possible with the same set of easy-to-read cards: listening, rhyming, and matching. Older kids can play with their younger, nonreading siblings without any rivalry. That's because, in this game, everybody wins. But in order to succeed, you gotta stop, look, and listen. --Lynne Sampson

Product Description

For 1-4 players.The I Spy Preschool Game is the self-correcting matching game where players match riddles with pictures. When all the pairs are completed everyone wins. Beginners "read" the pictures and advanced players read the words. There are five ways to play, including a memory version. I Spy Preschool Game helps players to practice the important pre-reading skills of visual discrimination, matching, rhyming and "reading" pictures. It also helps teaches cooperation and how to follow rules. Contains 12 interlocking pairs and game rules.

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